Rev Dr. Nori Rost, Settled Minister

Throughout our search process, the Search Committee was deeply impressed with Rev. Nori’s intelligence, honesty, and kindness. From a welcoming Christian denomination to a non-theistic, humanist ethical movement, Rev. Nori’s diverse experiences inform her unique approach to Unitarian Universalist ministry. She is an inventive and joyful presence who has boundless energy; a calming and reflective person who listens with the same care and intelligence with which she talks; a thoughtful leader who can maintain focus on a long range vision no matter what crisis pops up; and a devoted activist who uses her voice and her creativity to stand for justice. 

This wasn’t just our impression. In our conversations with her references, we learned that many congregants started coming to her UU because of Rev. Nori’s compelling sermons even though they never liked church before, that she gave thoughtful, personalized memorial services, that she had proven strategies for increasing membership. They mentioned her deep commitment to investing resources in RE, her ability to show equanimity to all, and her inviting sense of humor. And almost everyone remarked upon the way she brought humor and energy to the work of fighting for social justice. 

We know you’ll love getting to know her, friends. We certainly have. 

Please hear Rev. Nori’s personal welcome and learn more about her here.

Kristin Suter, Office Administrator

Kristin is a Lawrence transplant and “Midwesterner” at heart. She comes with many years of experience in business and administration as well as music, art, and graphic design, and is delighted to expand her technical knowledge at UUCL! She lives in Lawrence with her wife, Maria, their two children, one grandbaby, and a menagerie of animals.

Susan Harper, Music Director

Susan considers the creation of music to be a form of ministry. She brings over forty years of experience and enthusiasm to her work and takes great joy in working with all our volunteer musicians. UUCL is so fortunate to have so many individuals who are willing to share their musical talents – vocal and instrumental. The UUCL choir members and other musicians support and encourage each other and we all welcome newcomers to our group!

Clay Carlen Burkhead, Director of Religious Education

Clay is a songwriter, media consumer, lunch enthusiast, and educator. His teaching approach centers imagination, creativity, curiosity, & choice. He has a dog named Neptune & he has lived in Kansas his entire life. Many of his friends are children.